Wright Great Books News Flash

Wright GB Grant Extended to 3 Years &

The prestigious award by the Federal Department of Post-Secondary Education to study ways to prove the effectiveness of the Great Books
Curriculum at Wright has been expanded to include helping 5 sister community
colleges across the country establish their own versions of the program.​

Borders to Sponsor GB Town Meeting on TV

Borders Bookstore has agreed to be a corporate sponsor for the
Great Books Town Hall Meeting television show scheduled for next November. This
was arranged by James Belcher, a staff member of Channel 20, and Maria Moore,
general manager of WYCC, who has been an early and enthusiastic supporter of
the Great Books Town Hall Meeting.

New Very Cool Website Added

A website called Malaspina Great Books has been added to our "Websites
for Research" page. It has links to information about literature, art,
music, theater, science, and history for each of the major periods.

Curriculum Featured on Rosenberg

In late February, Great Books
Curriculum faculty appeared on Milt Rosenberg’s program "720"
discussing views of war from Great Books classical authors. Featured were
Professors Polly Hoover, classicist and chairman of the Wright College
Humanities Dept., Professor Joo Lee, also from Humanities, and Bruce Gans of
the English Dept.

Gets Kovler Foundation Grant

The Great Books Curriculum achieved a major milestone last year
receiving its first grant. The donor is the prestigious Marjorie Kovler
Foundation. One of Chicago’s most prominent philanthropic organizations, the
Marjorie Kovler Foundation has donated wings to the main Chicago Public Library
and the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Click here for details.​

to Host Humanities Fest

Through formal relation between
the Great Books Curriculum and the Chicago Humanities Festival, Wright College
is the likely fall site for the festival.