Update Email or Phone Number

Login to My.CCC with your CCC username and password to ​add/update your email address and phone number.

Add/Update Email Address

1. From the Student Services page, click Personal Portfolio
2. Click Email Address. You will see your student email address which is assigned when you register for a class.
3. Click Add an Email Address.
4. Select the Email Type from the drop down.
5. Enter the email address.
6. Check the Preferred box email address, if you want to receive emails from the CCC Alert System.
7. Click the Save button.

Add/Update Telephone Numbers

1. From the Student Services page, click Personal Portfolio
2. To add or change a phone number, click the Phone Numbers link.
3. Click the Add a Phone Number button.
4. To select the type of phone number, click the Phone Type list.
5. Enter the desired information into the Telephone field.  
6. Click the Save button.

Optional CCC Alert Text Messages

1. To add a phone number to receive CCC Alert text messages, click the Add a Phone button.
2. Select Text Messaging from the phone type list.  
3. A warning message displays to alert you that text messaging charges may be incurred. Click the Yes button to receive text messages.