Windows 10 Tutorial
Follow these steps to organize your desktop
- After login your landing page is the desktop
- Remove unused icons
- On the Taskbar (bottom of screen) right click the mail icon (envelope) then click "unpin from taskbar".
- Click Windows Start (bottom left) scroll down to "M" then right click "Mail" then click "unpin from start".
- Add Icons
- Add Outlook
Click Windows Start (bottom left) scroll down to Outlook 2016 and right click, then click "Pin to Start". Drag new tile to desired position.
- Add Internet Explorer (We don’t support Microsoft Edge)
In the search box (bottom left) type "Internet Explorer (IE)" then right click IE then click "pin to Start". Drag new tile to desired position.
- To quickly locate programs type the name in the search box (bottom left)
- To find files use File Explorer (yellow folder on the left of the taskbar)
- To view tutorials click Windows Start, then click Tips, then click "watch videos"