Early College
Latisha Williams
Assistant Dean of Early College

Early College
The Early College program offers two ways for you to earn college credit: dual credit and dual enrollment. High school juniors and seniors who are at least 16 years old are eligible to participate. If you are younger than 16 and want to participate in Early College, you must get approval from the college president or vice president of your desired City Colleges location.
Dual Enrollment
As a high school junior or senior you can enroll at one of the City Colleges of Chicago and attend classes on campus. Classes cover subjects like English, Math, Foreign Languages, and Science. Students can also register for career pathway courses, which are designed to prepare them for work in a high- demand industry. Career pathway areas of study include automotive technology, business, early childhood development, logistics and IT.
Harold Washington College has a partnership with Chicago Public School (CPS) to offer college credit classes for juniors and seniors at the high school. You can take college credit classes at your school through the dual credit program with City Colleges. You’ll get both college and high school credit without having to adjust your weekly schedule.
Eligibility – Dual Enrollment and Dual Credit
- Students must be a Chicago Resident Students must be a least a junior or senior in high school by the time they start a Dual Credit or Dual Enrollment class.
- Students must meet the prerequisite for the course, most courses require that students be college-ready as demonstrated by the ACT, SAT, or the CCC Placement Test. (See cutoff scores below).
- Non-Math courses may require English 101 eligibility, if taking the CCC RTW English placement test , refer to the CCC RTW English Placement Test Prep Packet before taking the test, make sure you prepare.
- Math courses require college-level math eligibility demonstrated by ACT, SAT or ALEKS placement, contact the HW Placement Center for instructions and the access code hwc-testing@ccc.edu.
- If the student is younger than 16 and not a high school junior, the student must demonstrate college readiness in Math, Reading, and Writing as well as work with Harold Washington Early College department to obtain permission from the College President to participate.
Dual Enrollment Registration – New Students
We are excited to assist you with the process of applying and enrolling for Dual Enrollment classes at Harold Washington College! Below are the steps you need to complete and links to the resources you will need to complete each step.
- Apply to Early College- Harold Washington!
- Complete the Permission Form and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Disclosure Form.
- Email BOTH FORMS and a copy of your High School ID or State ID to lwilliams583@ccc.edu
- Submit your High School Transcripts (ask your counselor)
- Email transcripts to lwilliams583@ccc.edu
- Submit test scores/take our placement test! For Placement Test information click here: Early College Testing.pdf
- Contact HWC Testing center for instructions on CCC placement test hwc-testing@ccc.edu.
- MATH and English Exam
- Send ACT/SAT scores to lwilliams583@ccc.edu
- Attend a virtual Dual Enrollment Spring2024_Flyer.doc
Dual Credit Returning Students
Please follow the steps below to complete your registration.
- If you have not already submitted the Dual Enrollment Packet (found here) this academic year, please complete and email to lwilliams584@ccc.edu.
- Complete the Registration Form to sign up for your class as a Returning Student.
- Optional: Attend a virtual Dual Enrollment Orientation for returning students.
Faculty and Staff
Latisha Williams, Assistant Dean Early College and Matriculation, lwilliams584@ccc.edu
Kim Bowens, Associate Dean Of Instruction, kbowens3@ccc.edu