The City Colleges of Chicago use the COMPASS test to determine placement in English and Math courses. COMPASS is an ACT test that measures your math, reading, and writing abilities. An appropriate score on the COMPASS exam is a pre-requisite for math, English, and numerous other college credit courses.
It is important that this test is taken seriously. Lower scores may result in 1 to 4 additional semesters of developmental coursework that do not count toward your degree.
In order to be prepared for the math portion of the COMPASS test, students are encouraged to practice in an online environment using My Math Test.
My Math Test
The City Colleges of Chicago is piloting the My Math Test online program to assist CCC students prepare for the math portion of the COMPASS test. This free, online, interactive program offers over 4,500 sample questions, animations, and short explanatory videos. The math content ranges from writing whole numbers to advanced trigonometry.
Follow these steps to register for My Math Test
Use these instructions to register with My Math Test.
Register with My Math Test.
Start Practicing.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kaife Abedin.