Human Sciences

Yolanda Simmons


The Mission of the Human Sciences Department is to prepare students for careers that contribute to the greater welfare of society, as well as their own personal growth and development.
The Mission of
the Human Sciences Department is to prepare students for careers that
contribute to the greater welfare of society, as well as their own personal
growth and development. The department is committed to providing optimal
instruction and learning experiences to instill the following skills within its

  • ​Commit to the practice of integrity and high ethical standards. 
  • Manifest competence in require theories, concepts and applications. 
  • Develop
    objectivity and empathy towards the client population.
  • Promote advocacy for
    diverse populations in the public sector. Develop critical thinking skills and
    habits. Adhere to the practice of life-long learning.
The Human
Sciences Department is comprised of three unique programs, each with different
accreditations. Addictions Studies, Child Development and Social Service.  The Child Development Program is accredited
by The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). 
The Addictions
Studies/Social Service program is accredited by the Illinois Certification

enrolled in programs in the Human Sciences Department are required to complete
a field experience/practicum hours. Students enrolled in these programs may be
required to submit to a background check and/or health physical (TB test) by
the facility. Background checks and health physicals (TB test) are usually
current for one full calendar year, and the
cost of these requirements is primarily the student’s responsibility.

You must follow the guidelines for background check and health physicals. If a
student has an adverse background, he/she must consider the impact of this
factor on his or her completion of Human Sciences Programs and/or future
employment opportunities. Please consult the Program Coordinator for your
respective program if you have any additional concerns.


Student Chapter of the National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW). The NABSW is comprised of people of African ancestry, and is committed to enhancing the
quality of life and empowering people of African ancestry through advocacy,
human services delivery, and research. The mission of the NABSW is to work to create a world in which people of
African ancestry will live free from racial domination, economic exploitation,
and cultural oppression. In collaboration with national, international, and
other appropriate groups, the NABSW will continue to leverage its collective
expertise to strategically develop capacity of people of African ancestry to
sustain and flourish. The NABSW’s vision is guided by the principles of the NGUZO
Saba -  Unity, Self-determination, Collective Work and Responsibility,
Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity, and Faith, as well as the seven cardinal
virtues of Ma’at, - Right, Truth, Justice, Order, Reciprocity,
Balance, and Harmony.


Requirements for Human Sciences Students:

 All students
participating in a field experience/practicum opportunity maybe required to
complete the following:

  • Background
    Check (Please follow the facility’s guidelines. The background check is usually
    valid for at least one calendar year.)
  • Physical/
    TB Test. The health physical is usually valid for at least one calendar year.)
  • The
    assigned Program Coordinator, or Chairperson’s signature is required for
    enrollment in any Practicum course.
  • The
    Chairperson’s and/or Program Coordinator’s signature, and approval is required
    to enroll in any courses concurrently.
  • If
    a student is enrolling in a Practicum course, and/or seeking advanced standing
    in any Human Sciences Department Program, he or she must establish residency.
    The last 15 credit hours of core coursework must be completed in a Program
    offered by the Kennedy-King College Human Sciences Department, prior to
    enrollment in any advanced courses.
  • If
    you have a Undergraduate or Graduate Degree in  Social Work, Psychology, or Criminal Justice;
    you may obtain Advanced standing and have the 2 years work experience waived
    (unofficial transcripts must be submitted and approved by Program
  • All
    course and Program guidelines will be reviewed by course instructors at the
    start of each semester.




Faculty and Staff

Name Phone Email Room
Nina Blakey (773) 602-5351 Y-135
Susan Buckner (773) 487-6918 Y-131
Paul Everett (773)487-6924 Y-136
Jacqueline Graham-Sylvestal (773) 602-5338 Y-136
Alishia Atkins (773) 602-5072 Y-138
Dr. Celeste McGill (773) 602-5339 Y-137
Yolanda Simmons (773)602-5337 Y-138
Jerrard Walker (773) 602-5351 Y-133
Victoria Lester (773) 602-5351