External Resources on the Web
General Websites
Offers a list of assessment conferences across the U.S.
Bakersfield College - The Assessing Student Learning in Higher Education page provides useful information
on assessment concepts (terms, services, examples).
Books on Assessment - For
a list of additional books on this topic (in higher education setting), click
on this link. Provided by Gettysburg College.
Center for Assessment and Research - Housed
at James Madison University, the Center focuses on providing quality assessment
and support to members of its University. Provides templates, resources, and
Provides a useful glossary of terms and strategies for putting assessment in practice.
Internet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment - Provides information (external links) to assessment-related resources,
organizations, grants, journals, rubrics, and more! Expect to spend some time
searching here.
Research and Practice in Assessment – Focus
is on the publication of their online journal and providing support to
assessment community.
UC Berkeley BEAR Center - Provides
resources and project summaries on various assessment activities conducted
across their campuses.
Carnegie Mellon University - Go here to learn about the benefits of rubrics and how to design them.
National Institution for Learning Outcome Assessment - PDF document on assessment at the community college level.
Otis College of Art and Design - This page provides some helpful rubric templates (fine
arts, architecture, digital media).
University of Colorado (Denver) - Basic information on designing rubrics, but the glossary is worth visiting.
Purdue University - Sample of oral presentation rubrics used by their science division faculty.
Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE)
Association of American Colleges and Universities
Chicago Area Assessment Group (CAAG)
Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)
Learning Outcomes Assessment Communities
University of Central Florida