Veterans Services

Lisa Slater

Veterans Service Specialist

Veterans ServicesThe Veterans Service Center assists active duty members, veterans, and family members in transitioning into higher education. We connect students to campus and community resources and support and advocate for our military-affiliated community.

Harry S Truman Community College provides targeted services that support U.S. military veterans, service members, and their families each year on their path to higher education and a career.

Virtual Drop-ins here: Virtual Room Link​
  Contact: Lisa Slater 773-907-4833 
Stop by in person and have coffee with us!      
Veteran staff and students are available to discuss your educational goals.
Incoming Student Veterans can get started here: Student Veteran Checklist.pdf

Services for the military-affiliated community

  • Veterans Services Center provides support and referral services to students veterans, service members, and dependents and spouses.
  • Dedicated academic advisors assist students at every stage of their education.
  • Strategic partnerships with employers, four-year universities, and other veteran serving organization so our veterans experience smooth transitions to further college and careers.
  • Connections with organizaions providing services such as housing, employment, mental health, and workforce development.
  • Wellness Center provides free and confidential case management, counseling services, and help with time and stress management.
  • Access Center supports students with disabilities.
  • Career and Transfer Center helps students with job placements or work toward transferring to a four-year institution.
  • Financial Aid Office provides deferment letters for payment for students who have eligibility letters on file and process FAFSA.
  • Tutoring Center provides free peer, professional, and embedded tutoring services.
Veteran Benefits Spouses and Dependents Benefits
1606 Montogmery GI Bill (Selected Reserves)

Chapter 35 Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA)

Chapter 30 Montogmery GI Bill (Active Duty) Illinois MIA/POW Scholarship

Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment

Transfer of Post 9/11 GI Benefits
Chapter 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill Fry Scholarship
Illinois National Guard Grant (ING) Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA)
Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG)


All Students


We understand the unique challenges veterans face when making the transition from military service to college life.                    

Faculty and Staff

Veterans Services Specialist – Lisa Slater – (773) 907-4833 –                           

Veterans Benefits School Certifying Official – Allan Robertson – (773) 907-4470 -​