Assessment at Truman College

Jennifer G. Asimow

Chair, Assessment Committee

Assessment at Truman College           

Assessment at Harry S Truman College

The Assessment Committee at Truman College is an interdisciplinary group composed of faculty and staff. This committee is dedicated to ensuring that assessment at Truman College is a comprehensive, faculty-driven process focused on improving student learning. To do this, the committee coordinates and supports the collection, review, analysis, and dissemination of data using equitable, ongoing, and iterative processes to ensure the highest standard of learning for all students.

Committee Documents:


Faculty and Staff

Members ​​(Academic Year 2023-24)                   
  • Chair: Jennifer G. Asimow (Education & Human Development and Family Studies), Phone: (773.907.4094)
  • Vice Chair of Unit Assessment: Maeve Masini (Mathematics)
  • Chair of Gen Ed Assessment: Brandon Bumstead (English, Communication, Theater, and Journalism)
  • Secretary / Archivist: Madison Johnson (Education & Human Development and Family Studies)                                                                                       

  ​ Academic Department Liaisons

  • Art, Humanities, Music, and World Languages: Ritch Keitel                                                                 
  • Automotive Technology: Vacant                                                                                                           
  • Biology: Harry Sdralis                                                                                                                                
  • Business / CIS: Edwin Whitfield                                                                                              
  • Cosmetology: Vacant                                                                                                                
  • Education & Human Development and Family Studies: Madi Johnson 
  • English, Communication, Theater, and Journalism:  Ana King​                  
  • Library: Katie Ediger                                                                                                                                 
  • Mathematics: Maeve Masini                                                                               
  • Physical Science and Engineering: Leah Page                                             
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences: Diego Baez 

Additional Working Members

  • English, Co​mmunication, Theater, and Journalism: Brandon Bumstead
  • Physical Science and Engineering: Rahm Almarza