Sexual Violence Awareness

City Colleges of Chicago values the health and safety of every individual on campus and expects students and employees to treat other persons with respect and dignity. Any behavior which causes the sexual assault or abuse of another person will not be tolerated, is a violation of the college’s policy and may result in sanctions ranging from suspension or dismissal. Disciplinary action on the part of the college does not preclude the possibility of criminal charges against the individual. In order for the college to deal more effectively with sex offenses, it is essential that these incidents be reported1. To learn more about how to file a complaint, click here.
What is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other expressive or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:
- Submission to such conduct is made a condition of employment or education;
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct is the basis for an academic or a personnel decision affecting the individual; or
- Such conduct interferes with the individual’s academic or work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning or work environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
– sexual advances | – repeated date requests |
– sexual gestures | – sexual cartoons or images |
– discussions about sexual activity | – domestic violence |
– dating violence | – stalking |
– sexual misconduct | – sexual assault |
CCC Examples of Sexual Harassment
What is Sexual Assault?
What is Stalking?
Stalking occurs when an individual knowingly engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person, and he or she knows or should know that this course of conduct would cause a reasonable person to a fear for his or her safety or the safety of others, or suffer substantial emotional distress. A person commits stalking when he or she knowingly and without lawful justification on at least two separate occasions follows another person or places the person under surveillance or any combination thereof, and at any time transmits a threat of immediate or future bodily harm, sexual assault, confinement, or restraint and the threat is directed towards that person or a family member of that person.
To learn more about possible violations, as well as definitions of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and stalking please visit the following page or email with your questions.
If You Experience Sexual Assault:
Support and Campus Resources at City Colleges:
We are here to support you. We understand that sexual harassment, sexual assault, and stalking can be difficult to discuss, and that many factors may be involved, including disability, race, religion, gender expression, academic stress, or a relationship with the assailant. The following resources are available to all CCC students (Campus Resource Directory) – no one will be turned away:
– The Office of Safety and Security: /SafetySecurity |
– The Dean of Student Services at your college: /StudentServices |
– The Title IX Coordinator at the District Office: (312) 553-2865 OR |
The Wellness Center: /WellnessCenter
The Wellness Center respects confidentiality is not required to report your assault unlike most faculty and staff under Title IX policy. The Wellness Center provides free and confidential counseling services and referrals to help you determine what is best to do for your self-care and healing.
Promoting a Safer Campus
City Colleges of Chicago works to promote a safe campus and community. Therefore we encourage students to be active bystanders, allies, and take personal responsibility for the well-being of our campus communities. Here are some tips on how to be an ally:
How Can I Be An Ally:
- If possible, actively stop or offer support to a classmate/student that you see is in an uncomfortable situation. (This does not mean engaging in physical altercation, and we encourage students to evaluate the safety of a situation before intervening).
- Do not blame victims of abuse for the abuse that occurred.
- If someone discloses to you that they have experienced assault/harassment/stalking, offer support but respect the decision they make about reporting an incident.
- Op-ed pieces can inform and influence readers and can bring considerable attention to this cause. Research campus sexual assault, and then write an op-ed for a school, local, or national newspaper or even a blog.
- Help a classmate/friend if they wish to file a complaint.
External Resources for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault & Stalking
Many sexual assault cases go unreported because the victim fears retaliation or humiliation by reporting the incident. Victims are urged to seek help through professional counseling and victim advocate groups to begin the process of healing and transforming from victim to survivor.
Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline | 888-293-2080 |
Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line | 877-863-6338 |
Rape Victim Advocates | 312-443-9603 |
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago Laura Parks and Mildred Francis | 773-995-3100 |
Community Counseling Centers of Chicago | 773-303-3000 |
Mujeres Latinas En Accion | 312-738-5358 |
The Chicago Legal Clinic | 312-226-2669 |