Parking Benefit
All City Colleges employees can register for discount parking for either daily or monthly parking at a reduced rate near the District Office.
For District Office employees and District personnel visiting the District Office, Traders Self Park Garage(TSP) with the office located at 326 S. Wells, offers both daily and monthly discounted rates for CCC employees. TSP has entrances on Wells and Franklin streets. TSP is now part of the iParkit network.
The current negotiated monthly rate for self-pay parking is $230.00 and the daily rate is $16.00.
There are a limited amount of monthly spaces allotted to CCC. The Traders’ Parking office can provide more information about authorization for monthly parking.
As of October 1, 2017, TSP will only recognize your CCC discount by using the iParkit app. The old discount cards will not be honored. In order to continue your discount, you will need to:
- Go to the ’barcode switch page’ at: to input your current bar code number on your card along with some contact information.
- You will be sent an email with information and a registration number you will use to register.
- Search your app store for the iParkit app
- Download and install the iParkit app on your smartphone/device.
- Input your personal info, registration number from the email, bank or credit card details to complete the app registration process.
- When completed, you will be ready to use the app.
Use your iParkit app while in your car to scan the QR code at the gate entrances and the gate exits. No more stopping for payment at the lobby kiosks before returning to your car. The app will send you confirmation and keep track of your usage. Be sure to scan in AND out each day or you will need to stop by the office to adjust your account. Press the Help button at the gate if you have any problems with usage.
CCC employees that do not currently have a discount card and wish to get the discounted parking rate at TSP, must go to the office for a code and instructions to get started.
Your iParkit app can be used at any iParkit garage in Chicago, Baltimore and Philadelphia however you will only receive discounted parking where you are authorized and registered for a discount.