The Committee for the Art and Science of Teaching (CAST)

Amelia Amantea & Alisa Allkins

CAST Coordinators

The Committee for the Art and Science of Teaching (CAST)

​The Committee for the Art and Science of Teaching (CAST), an interdisciplinary committee of faculty members and professional staff, is commissioned to create and implement professional development opportunities which aim to enhance and highlight the teaching, learning and technology. CAST is tasked with promoting a committed engagement with current “best practices” in education at the two-year college.  The committee will accomplish this by focusing on areas including technology, pedagogy, and research on teaching and learning.   

Scope of Committee: This committee is designed to meet the professional development needs of both full-time and part-time faculty members, as well as professional staff. All of HWC can benefit from the work done by CAST.     

Desired Outcomes and Deliverables     

  • In Fall and Spring semesters, at least three professional development workshops will be presented for the benefit of all full-time and part-time faculty.
  • The CAST event calendar will be created and maintained. It will detail professional development opportunities from CAST and other entities.
  • CAST will be in charge of developing, organizing and implementing Faculty Development Week (FDW) in the Fall semester. An ad hoc subcommittee may be formed for this purpose in the Spring semester. The topics for the FDW seminars will be chosen based on the input of the faculty, administration, professional staff and the 1600 Union.
  • Room 1046 will be developed and maintained as a resource center and lounge for faculty. See below for details of appropriate uses of Room 1046.
  • A database of professional development topics and presenters from Harold Washington College will be maintained.

Membership and meetings: All full-time and part-time faculty and professional staff are eligible for membership in CAST. Each department should have at least one member who is an active (attending) member. CAST meetings are held in room 1046. Meeting dates and times will be arranged by the coordinators and announced in advance.
Elections of CAST officers: Two faculty coordinators are elected by all full-time faculty in a yearly election held in November for the following January-December calendar time frame. Nominations for coordinator are taken during November followed by a vote. The top two vote-getters are elected as co-coordinators. In the case of a tie, there will be a run-off. Nominees may choose to run individually or as a two-person team.     

To read the full CAST Charter, please click here.     


About Room #1046: The CASTle
In Spring 2009, CAST acquired room #1046.  The room serves as a faculty lounge of sorts and a resource center. Traditionally, the room has been used for CAST meetings, as well as other committee and department meetings. In addition, when a meeting is not taking place, the room functions as a faculty lounge in which the free exchange of ideas is encouraged.

CAST Calendar for The CASTle

To reserve space in Rm. 1046, please contact Rosie or Grace.

1046 is designated for faculty to utilize for meetings, training sessions, grading, and more. Currently, regular meetings are held there by CAST, Faculty Council, the Assessment Committee, Curriculum Committee, a few departments, and a host of other sessions.

In order to preserve room #1046 as a sort of sanctuary for faculty, we ask that you restrict your meetings to all-faculty events, with a few exceptions. We ask that you use your best judgment. Exceptions include, but are not limited to:   

  1. Regular faculty meetings that invite an administrator special guest: eg, Faculty Council and Assessment routinely invite Vice President Sarrafian to speak on a relevant issue. Faculty Council has also begun inviting the Student Senate president to represent the student body.
  2. Training sessions for faculty concerning pedagogical content or technology: eg, a member of OIT showing faculty how to use Blackboard.
